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The Bully Side of R.O.I (Return On Investment)

When it comes to dogs the term investment is often viewed as negative. Individuals and breeders alike shun the term and hide from being associated with any term that embraces the business side of Bully breeds. The truth is the term isn’t negative the word is simply one of the aspects that go along with getting involved with dogs.

It doesn’t matter if you are a breeder of 2 days, or 20 years you expect something from your initial purchase. Now most immediately will think of a financial return when hearing the acronym ROI, however a return is simply what an individual wants to get out of a purchase. In dogs the return will always differ from kennel to kennel and the expected return can be met earlier on, or not met for years.

Being a breeder has got to be one of the most exhausting jobs ever

To truly assess the return, one must first assess the investment. The dollar amount, the time, the commitment, and the stress. Investing a part of oneself in these dogs is the largest toll many breeders will ever pay. Most arguing that the money portion is the easy part. It’s what building experience costs that sets many a great breeder back. It’s the early morning kennel cleaning, the late-night c-sections and the 16-hour road trips to dog events. Paying a bill suddenly becomes the easiest part…

So what is the return? The return will always differ from breeder to breeder. There will be those who truly want to create a line, develop a bloodline and have their name etched in the dog breeder hall of fame. For this breeder the time and energy is worth it years down the line when they see that their vision went on to build the breed further. It’s generally the most consuming, the most exhausting and the most daunting. Some will say the return will never equal the output, but those providing the input on others output are often the ones envious of another person's returns. To get this return it requires the ability to be honest about what you breed, what you keep and standing behind what you sell. It’s the long game, and honestly others will provide the consensus on what the return is and when it arrives by utilizing this breeder's dogs in their program.

Teddy created by Jamie Sweet, The creator of the shorty bulls.

The next type of return is often the one that seems similar to the first mentioned, but is vastly different. It’s the breeder who invests to build their own name. It’s not the name of the kennel, or bloodline, but to fulfill a place that recognizes them as the key component of that investment. The return is found in trophies, certificates, and titles. It’s not necessarily a narcissistic mindset it’s often simply the mindset of an ultra competitor, the person that longs to compete and investing in dogs gives them the opportunity to get a return on what fuels them…. competition. Their return is obvious, it’s closer to instant due to the fact that once they start winning and the returns flood, it’s hard not to notice who is dominating a specific realm of dog competition. Whether it be conformation shows, obedience trials, or dock diving the return on their investment is in the wins. It will never be about stud fees, or dollars, except when it comes down to their dogs being the most valued of their immediate competitors. It’s a simple return, a straightforward process and often the one that pisses more people off.

Jayson Maldonado with Tri-State (Sold for 500k)

Lastly, we can discuss the individuals that want their monetary return on their investment. These individuals know exactly how much they have invested, and they know how much it’s going to take to get them out of the red. The dollars spent and the money brought in is constantly monitored. They invest in stud fees regardless of the bitch to be bred, but more on which studs puppies are sold for the highest dollar. It’s not that this individual doesn’t have quality puppies, or dogs, it’s simply that they want to get out what they put in. They often are co-owners, or purchase adult dogs, because these are shortcuts in getting their money back the quickest. I don’t view these breeders as bad, as long as they are honest, there is nothing wrong with honesty. If this is the return you want then say it, own it and as long as you don’t sacrifice the dogs for your wallet I wish these individuals well.

The truth is ROI in dogs can work for all 3 mentioned and all 3 can represent the same dog enthusiast. One can invest in dogs and want to create something, win with what they created and be compensated for the above mentioned creation. In fact, the very best look for a return in all three factors. The key with these successful breeders is in that no particular return takes precedence over another. A return on an investment is a great thing, but the amount of work that goes into gaining that return will always show in your reputation, your product and the results on that investment.

So what’s your desired return on your investment?

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